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When something goes wrong when you’re uninstalling a program, you’re not presented with any alternative options for removing it. You do have the option to run a cleanup scan after each uninstall, and invariably, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will find a few stray registry entries or files.īy default, Advanced Uninstaller PRO runs a service in the background that watches for the uninstallation of programs. It scans for any files and registry entries left over. In practice, we found that this resulted in constant disk checking that slowed down our test machine. Thankfully, you can disable it in the Settings menu. You can contact Innovative Solutions with any questions that you have about Advanced Uninstaller PRO (Image credit: Advanced Uninstaller PRO) SupportĪt first, it appears as if there are no online support resources for Advanced Uninstaller PRO, but if you click on Help in the application itself, you’re taken to an online manual with pages on each of the features and how to use them.įor more direct support, the only option is emailing the company via a contact form. #What is the cost of geek uninstaller pro how to# Innovative Solutions starters that it responds to all tickets within two business days, with paid memberships receiving priority. Wise Program Uninstaller is another free tool for uninstalling software. It doesn’t include any of the extra utilities that Advanced Uninstaller PRO does, but it’s better at removing stubborn software that can’t be uninstalled through Windows. #What is the cost of geek uninstaller pro software# The free version is a bit basic, but with the Pro version, you can uninstall multiple applications at once, force broken programs to uninstall, and take automatic backups of the registry. #What is the cost of geek uninstaller pro free#

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Final verdictĪdvanced Uninstaller PRO grew on us as we used it more. Its most useful feature is the ability to queue up multiple uninstalls at a time, potentially saving you a great deal of time. We were less impressed by the Uninstall Monitor and Program Monitor features because they seemed quite resource-intensive. The paid Daily Health Check is fine, but it doesn’t add enough to warrant paying for it. That said, you can completely uninstall any program, leaving behind no traces, and we definitely suggest keeping Advanced Uninstaller PRO in mind for when you need to remove many programs at once.Revo Uninstaller Pro Download Full Crack 4.5.3įree Download Revo Uninstaller Pro Full Version – Most applications are built with its own uninstall system, but unfortunately some don’t even have the uninstall button.

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